AI is on track to lead to profound societal shifts. We are all invested in those shifts going well. But there is significant disagreement on what that looks like and how to get there. Recent developments, including the release of and reactions to an open letter calling for a six-month pause on giant AI experiments, have raised the tenor and visibility of the debate. 

Our hope is that we can take this as an opportunity to evaluate our collective understanding, surface the very real concerns of many communities, and build clarity around urgent, collective next steps. While disagreements will persist, we believe productive bridging between different, well-considered viewpoints is both possible and necessary.  

Please join the discussion and share your valuable insights on this topic. We will map out the diverse opinions on this issue, identify areas of agreement and disagreement, and use these outcomes to structure a series of public input Alignment Assemblies. Let’s move forward with greater clarity. 

Mapping the AI Hyperspace

  • We are using, an open-source software tool for online deliberation and participatory decision-making. It uses machine learning algorithms to facilitate large-scale, online discussions and surveys based on what people say in their own words.

    Your votes are gathered entirely anonymously, but when you return to this page we will remember your randomly-generated visitor ID, so you won’t be re-voting on statements you’ve already seen.

    When you submit a statement, it will show up in others’ interfaces for them to vote on.

    A similar process has been used by millions of people in Taiwan to adjudicate thorny issues, and the software is designed to surface consensus statements, divisive statements, and opinion clusters. We are using this to create a map of the opinion space (you can see an initial report here). This is not intended to be, and cannot be, fully representative.

Please add your views as statements and vote on others’ statements below. 

Tip: If you almost agree with someone’s statement but not quite, please rewrite it so that you agree with it and submit that.

To see the group’s beliefs, check out the dynamically-updating report of this conversation.

We will release the report and data of the conversation after we close it.