Joal Stein Joal Stein

Runtime AI, and the Subtleties of Language

Interacting with AI is not a passive experience. It's an ongoing dialogue where our words hold significant sway over the future of the conversation. What does AI literacy mean today? It means paying attention to how our use of language shapes the behavior of AI.

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Joal Stein Joal Stein

Four tools that CIP is working on

CIP is doubling down on building tools to enable better, more well-informed collective input into important decisions. After a couple of heads-down months, we are excited to share four exciting technical projects we’re currently undertaking.

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Saffron Huang Saffron Huang

CIP and Anthropic launch Collective Constitutional AI

We’ve been experimenting with different ways that collective input from society can shape AI development, and are excited to announce that we’ve partnered with Anthropic to pilot one way of doing this: training a model to behave according to a collectively-designed constitution.

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